A Zen retreat is an opportunity to reconnect with our lives.
As we meditate, we let our busy-ness subside.
We discover our mind, body and breath,
and move more deeply into harmony with the world.
Weekend Zen Retreat
This weekend retreat is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. Wangapeka is a beautiful secluded location, and an inspiring place to come together to practice. Please join us for a programme of zazen (Zen meditation), liturgy, a talk by elders and/or senior practitioners, and mindful work practice. Instruction in zazen will be offered on Friday evening for those new to MRO Zen practice. Saturday will run to a sesshin schedule, and Sunday will be dedicated to Zen creative practice.
Costs $200 includes all meals (vegetarian). Please don't let financial issues prevent you from attending this retreat. There are some funds available to assist those who cannot meet the full retreat cost. For subsidies, apply directly to the organisers by emailing [email protected] or phone Gwitha on 021 121 8133 by November 1. Health precautions If you have cold or flu symptoms on the day the retreat begins, you will need to cancel your attendance. A refund of the retreat cost (but not any transport costs) will be offered to those who cannot attend because of ill health. What should I bring? • sleeping bag, pillow (earplugs optional) • towel • toiletries • torch • raincoat • woollen hat • outdoor clothing and footwear for work practice • loose-fitting clothing for meditation, dark or muted in colour. |
If you have questions about this retreat please contact Gwitha Kaido Nash:
[email protected]
021 121 8133
[email protected]
021 121 8133
The Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre is 80 minutes drive from Nelson.
Transport assistance is available for those travelling from Nelson and Christchurch.
Transport assistance is available for those travelling from Nelson and Christchurch.