Nelson – The Southern Skies ZendoThe Nelson MRO Zen group holds Zen Buddhist meditation sessions throughout the week at the Southern Skies zendo. The zendo is open to all those interested in Zen meditation. We also offer on-line meditation instruction and meditation times. Please see the homepage for details.
Let me respectfully remind you Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by, and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken! Awaken! Take heed. Do not squander your life. – The Evening Gatha Beginner instruction is available each Monday evening by appointment. This instruction provides newcomers with an orientation to the Zen Buddhist tradition, to the practice of zazen, and to the resources and retreats offered by MRO regional groups. It is necessary to receive beginner instruction before taking part in the regular weekly schedule of practice. There is no charge for attending zazen at the zendo, although a gold-coin donation towards the upkeep of the building is appreciated. The Nelson MRO Zen group welcomes people of all cultural, ethnic, gender and religious backgrounds who have an interest in pursuing Zen Buddhist meditation. The zendo is a short distance from Nelson's town centre. The Nelson group takes part in monthly online discussions with the teachers of the Mountains and Rivers Order. These encounters help practitioners clarify their understanding of Buddhism and its implications for everyday life. To learn more about upcoming Zen events in Nelson contact us. National Zen Events in Nelson in 2020 We will be offering a sesshin with online, drop-in, and residential options in Nelson, July 12-18. This Open Sky Sesshin replaces the usual events described below. Because of the Covid-19 restrictions, Shugen Roshi will not be visiting us in person this July, but will be offering teachings during the Open Sky Sesshin via Zoom. Click here for more information. Normal July retreat programme Each July, the head of the Mountains and Rivers Order, Shugen Roshi, visits Nelson to lead a programme of Zen training. The events culminate in a week-long silent meditation intensive known as sesshin. Usually held at Rotoiti Lodge in the St Arnaud range, sesshin is a valuable opportunity for practitioners to deepen their practice. A weekend retreat is also held in late spring or early summer. If you would like to learn more about our group, or schedule a time for beginner instruction, please contact us by phone or using the form below. |
Nelson Zendo Meditation Times
Weekday mornings: 6.30 - 7.30am
2x 30min periods of zazen, 5 mins of kinhin (walking meditation). Monday evenings: 7.00 - 9.00pm 2x 30min periods of zazen, 5 mins of kinhin, informal discussion. (Beginners instruction in zazen available by appointment) Last Sunday of each Month (except Dec): 5.30am - noon Half day of meditation and kinhin Contact us[email protected]
Gwitha Kaido and Nick Suido Nash – 021 121 8133 Graham Houn Snadden, Jenny Kaiun Burton – (03) 548-4619 LocationSouthern Skies Zendo
180 Kawai Street Nelson |